XML-wizards explained

All three XML-wizards make use of CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing). This means you can study the example on my website (just empty the server-field). But you can also study xml-files (with xsl-files) of your own, provided you put them in a for you accessible sub-directory of your localhost (C:\inetpub\wwwroot), e.g. C:\inetpub\wwwroot\MyWeb. You can then use as server-name: http://localhost/MyWeb/.

IIS works as a server. To allow the use of CORS on it you must make or extend a file 'web.config' in inetpub\wwwroot and have it look like:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
          <add name="Access-Control-Allow-Origin" value="*" />

Here, the dots represent root-elements that are already there. If you didn't have a web.config you can simply leave them out.

In the XML-validator the algorithm that reproduces the xml-file in the blue box replaces the three pre-defined entity references &, <, and > in text elements (nodeType == 3) with _amp;, _lt;, and _gt; to avoid an erroneous notification of errors. Therefore, it is not a good idea to copy the file from this box for further use. (For that, use view source on the target window when viewing the file.)

The XML-transformer transforms the given xml-file to some nice view with the given xsl-file. You can use view source on the target window to pick up any xml-file or xsl-file you are allowed to access, and edit them yourself for further practice on your own server.

The XPath-viewer takes all kinds of valid XPath-expressions. Here are a few to study their effect on example-file. Just leave the server-field empty and view the results of these queries:

XPath queryResult
/store/product/*shows all elements of all products
/store/product[@category='cooking']/nameCooking pot
/store/product[last()]/*Your XML
/store/product[price>200.00]/*Cooking pot
Le Creuset
/store/product[@category='cooking']/vendorLe Creuset